When Do I Need Brake Repair?
The determining factor on when you need brake repair is the condition of your brakes. As we’ve just seen, the list of conditions and signs to look out for should be your starting point. Noticing one of them, even if it’s mild, should indicate that the time for repair is sooner rather than later. However, if you aren’t currently experiencing any issues like those mentioned above or others, then your best bet is to follow the maintenance schedule laid out in the owner’s manual.
Adhering to the schedule will keep your brakes in a healthy condition until the natural time for replacement or repair arrives. We understand that not everyone has access to an owner’s manual, but there is a way to keep a timeline. As an example, a brake pad should be replaced at 50,000 miles, although depending on your driving habits and conditions, that measurement can be lowered to 25,000 miles or reach up to 70,000 miles.