Additional Recommended Services
Fuel Induction Service - Cleaning the fuel injectors removes deposits that form around the injector pintle. These deposits cause uneven fuel spray that results in stalling, rough idle, poor acceleration and other problems. Every 30,000 miles
$149.95Throttle Body/Intake System Cleaning - Cleans intake manifold, ports, intake, valves and inside the combustion chamber. Will clean and free up throttle plate and help ensure and smoother running vehicle very 15,000 miles
$149.95Brake Fluid Exchange - Deposit and varnish build up can lead to serious malfunction of the braking system. Our brake service will effectively clean all oxidized and corrosive fluid from the brake system and replace it with clean, de-moisturized fluid to prevent corrosion. This service will assure reliable, safe operation of your braking system. Every 30,000 miles
$148.95Cooling System Service - Clean cooling system, replace engine coolant, pressure test, check hose, cap & check connection. Install Protex Coolant conditioner. Every 60,000 miles or 5 years
Cabin Filter Service - Disinfects and deodorizes your HVAC system and provides you with a pleasant smell and reduces allergens. Every 20,000 miles
Power Steering Service - Our technicians use a powerful cleaner to dissolve gum and varnish in your car's power steering unit. Next, we clean old worn out, contaminated fluid and install fresh new fluid w/anti-wear ingredients to prevent expensive mechanical repairs. As Needed
Transmission Fluid Exchange - Using the latest in state-of-the-art equipment, we will flush the transmission, torque converter, filter screen and valve body with a safe and effective cleaner to remove harmful varnish and sludge. Install new fluid with conditioners. Every 45,000 miles
Differential fluid exchange
- Using our state-of-the-art equipment, we remove the old worn out differential fluid and replace with new high quality performance gear oil. Every 30,000 miles (if applicable)
$199.95 Per axle
Performance service
Fuel Injection and intake system cleaning